Wawazen Waterwall Blog

How NOT To Build A Water Wall - Indoor Waterfall Water Distribution FAIL


This is the transcription of my voice in this video:

In this video I'm going to show you how you should not build a water wall, how you should not do the water distribution and the overflow channel.

The first problem here, as you can see, is that the back wall is very low and the water can escape at the back too, if you produce here more waves. And then the second thing is that we just have a couple of metal plates with holes inside this overflow channel, inside the gutter. But the feeding comes from the middle. So, if this is the complete overflow channel we have a feeding from the middle and on that feeding there sits a small cap. So, this is this one and this cap causes the water only to escape into two directions, so we get a venturi effect which means that we produce a lot of pressure here due to the water which comes to the sides. But we have low pressure here in the middle and according to that, the water does not flow over the overflow channel here in this middle area, and...

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Fixing Threads At Indoor Waterfall Fountain


Here we have a short video about how we fix the threads of a Thread Fountain Waterfall.

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Indoor Waterfall Critical Mistake


Here you can see why you do need a dark background for Thread Fountains.

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Installing an 11m Thread Fountain Waterfall


Probably the highest Thread Fountain in Europe with 11,2m total hight. You can see it live in Linz, Austria!

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Thread Fountain In Gym Against Dust And Smells


Please see this video of a nice thread fountain in a Gym. It was ordered to do something against the dust and sweat smells in the room. And it did.

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Water Wall And The Sky


Please relax with this calming video of flowing water and some white, fluffy clouds in the blue sky !

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Thread Fountain Water Wall At Dentist


Another beautiful thread fountain water wall in the office rooms of a dentist. Please enjoy the video !

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Pretty Loud Indoor Water Wall In Hotel


I found this pretty loud Indoor Water Wall in a Hotel - it is impressive, but a little damaged. (This waterwall was not build by us.)

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How to design a backyard water feature - DIY Outdoor Waterfall


This is the transcription of my voice in this video:

In this video I'm going to show you how we have planned a water feature in the backyard for a customer.

Here you can see the basic set up, already with all the covers but just up front, down here, we have a tank. Here we would have the pump. The pump would direct the water through a 32 millimeters diameter hose or pipe to the top of the water wall and then the water would be distributed in an overflow channel, which I will show you in a minute, and then the water would go across those natural stone tiles, being collected here in a bottom tank and then moving forward back to the tank, which is digged below the grass. So, this is the main circle.

Then you can see here an overflow channel made of stainless steel which is supported by 2 PVC sub distributions. So, this 32 diameter pipe is then divided into two pipes and each would have a PVC sub distribution. This sub distribution is very clearly explained in our Glass Waterwall...

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Installing a thread fountain water feature - indoor waterfall setup


For todays blog post we took a time lapse of how we setup a thread fountain water feature for one of our customers. Please enjoy.

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