Doing the Water Wall business
Creating your own Water Wall is one of the best ways to enrich your life, eliminate obstacles and really unwind yourself as much as possible. Creating a Water Wall is fun, it’s different and it helps you improve the way you sleep, how you think and so on. Entering the Water Wall business is an incredible idea, because this is a field that a lot of people love.
If you go and ask someone about installing their own indoor waterfall, they will most likely say yes. Why is that? Because water brings in a sense of calmness, it makes it easy for you to stay aside and just enjoy life for a change. Sure, can be tricky to create your DIY indoor waterfall, but with the right guidance it can be well worth it.
Why did we enter the Water Wall business?
One of the major advantages that we found pivotal when creating this business is that people want to install this type of item in their home. They just don’t have all the details or lack the tools and ideas...
This is the transcription of my voice in this video:
Hello ! Welcome to the Wawazen Waterwall School. Today I will show you why water walls can improve your health. Actually I will show you 14 mostly unknown reasons why water walls improve health. My name is Markus Retek. I'm the founder of the Wawazen Waterwall School and maybe you know it: I'm a physiotherapist, which means I have a pretty close connection to the health topics and since 2001 I sold approximately 1,000 fountains and I did more than 190 custom-made water walls. And 2014 I founded the Wawazen Waterwall School. Now we have around 3000 subscribers worldwide.
So, let's begin with the reason number one why water walls can improve your health: They are reducing flu viruses. Yes, it's true. You can google that. Just google "flu virus dry air" and you will find out that flu viruses, they thrive in dry air. So if you increase the humidity in your room then it will reduce the flu viruses. So very important topic today, as we...
This is the transcription of my voice in this video:
Another important benefit of water walls is relaxation and removing fear, because actually I think it's not possible to be relaxed and having fear at the same times. So, water walls are supporting your relaxation and I think this is the reason why many doctors have bought water walls from me. And surprisingly, most of them are dentists. So, what you see here is a very successful dentist in Austria, Vienna, he has two water walls and behind here, this is the waiting area for the patients.
Then this is a big water wall in the waiting area of a doctor who does ..., okay, it's so complicated, but it's a big waiting area and all of those patients, I believe, they have fear. It has to do something with your lower parts of your body so, they, and, ahm, okay, why not this is a colon clinic, so, if you have some problems with digestion they put a camera in your butt. So people waiting there, you can imagine, most of them have some fear, so...
This is the transcription of my voice in this video:
Yeah, another very important benefit of water walls is that they can help reduce flu viruses in the air.
If you google "flu virus dry air" you will find that scientists have discovered, that flu viruses thrive in dry air. So if you have dry air in your rooms, you will have more flu viruses than if you would have not-dry air. So, that's why water walls can help, can help to reduce those flu viruses in the air.
You know it's especially in the wintertime, when the air outside is cold and the air inside is warm, then all the humidity is going outside of the house. So you get dry air inside the house and outside you have then higher humidity because the humidity always moves towards the colder areas. This is why usually we have more dry air in houses in the winter and this also explains why we have more flus in the winter. Simply because flu viruses increase in dry air.
So if you want to reduce those, a water wall is a super duper...
This is the transcription of my voice in this video:
Yeah, another big benefit of water walls or indoor waterfalls is that they are removing smell from the air. In the last session I have described how water walls are cleaning the air from dust and fine dust and smog and exhausts, but what they really also do very good is removing smell and removing chemicals from the air.
A very good example is, there was a perfumery and maybe you know that when you go to a perfumery it really smells pretty strange, because all those perfumes, they stay in the air. And those people who work there, you know, they really suffer from that sometimes, because they are exposed to those chemicals and to those smells the whole day long. And some of them suffer from headaches, etc., etc. After they have installed a water wall all those problems were gone, because those chemicals and smells of the perfumes were absorbed by the water wall. So really a very big benefit removing chemicals and smells from the...
This is the transcription of my voice in this video:
Benefit number 3 is that water walls cleans the air from dust, fine dust and smog, like for example car exhausts. This is a big benefit, because if you live in a city where you have smog, which means fine dust pollution in the air, then this can affect your health. And water walls can clean the air from such fine dust, because this fine dust then is melting into the water and, yeah, you have clean air. You can measure that, so all the dirt, also in the office which come out of laser printers, will dissolve into the water and, yeah, you have cleaner air. So, this is, I think, a very big benefit.
Today many people don't know the air washing functions of water walls. Because actually water walls are also used in colouring companies, where they use those chemical colors those water walls clean the air after that and they're also used in stone manufacturing companies, when they cut the stones then they have fine dust and then they use...
This is the transcription of my voice in this video:
Ok, today we'll talk about benefit number 2, which is attraction.
Why attraction? It is a biological fact that human eyes are attracted by moving objects. So just take a look at this italian restaurant which has a big thread fountain in the middle of it. And, maybe you can imagine, this restaurant is getting quite a lot of attention. So, why is that so? Let me show you this just in short.
As I said, the human eye is biologically attracted to moving objects. Ok, now it is not so hard for you to follow that cross, but imagine you would have two shops with two windows. In this window you would just have some stuff placed here to be sold, some shelves and some products, etc. And you would have some stuff in the other window too, but here you would have a water wall. So we would have a moving object and the eye is catching moving objects first. So your attention would first go to this right shop window because there is a moving object,...
This is the transcription of my voice in this video:
Today I want to share the benefit number 1 of water walls or indoor-waterfalls, which is an expression of art. They are simply beautiful, and the benefit of beauty is, that people just feel better and they are astonished. And making people feel better and giving them the moment of being astonished, I think, this is really one of the most important benefits you can have when you use water walls or indoor-waterfalls.
I have experienced that people really, when they see a water wall or indoor-waterfall for the first time, they really stop and they watch and they just try to find out what's happening here. They're seeing something beautiful but they also realize, it's not just that they see something, it's something happening with them inside. I think, this is really what happens when they watch a water wall.
That, okay, it's an expression of art and it's something beautiful and there are many, many other really, let's say, hard...
Markus: Hello, my name is Markus. I'm the founder of Wawazen and I'm pleased to welcome Robert Fechtmann from Florida here who is a business partner of Wawazen and who has invented and created a really unique water feature which we will take a look at in a few minutes. But maybe first Robert, would you please tell us who are you and what are you doing?
Robert: Okay. Hi everyone. My name is Robert. I'm a product designer. I went to school for product design and I just always saw water walls are really cool. So I wanted to make my own but I wanted to do it a bit differently than having just a square wall. So I kind of came up with a new way to disperse the water with a sheet. So I have this kind of uniquely shaped water wall and Markus is helping me with building a business around it.
Markus: Wow, you know what Robert, I think everybody who's just started watching this video. He just sees two guys and he sees you like a designer you know what you're talking about. The people don't...
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